About Us
We are a friendly, diverse, and welcoming community of children, parents, caregivers,
and teachers. Through cooperative partnership we foster a safe, supportive, and nurturing play-based learning environment. We enrich the parent-child relationship through parent education and family involvement.
At Crystal Springs Cooperative Preschool (CSPS) you can expect to be part of a community of caring families that participate in ALL aspects of the school, thus enriching the environment in which our children play and learn. Here’s how:
A parent (or adult representative) is required to “participate” one day a week in the classroom. If you are unable to attend on your participation day, you must arrange for another participating adult in your class to cover for you. You have the option to swap participation days or pay the person $20. "Participating Parents" are expected to be at the preschool on-time.
For all two and three day classes, your child may be dropped off on your “non-participating” day(s).
If your child is having separation issues, you can stay to help your child work through their anxiety. Teacher Dorothy and/or Teacher Jeannette are always available to help form a “game plan” to address separation issues.
Parents are required to provide and clean up a nut-free snack on a rotating basis. As a result, children receive a variety of healthy nut-free snacks.
There are daily room assignments for the “participating” parents during class activity time. You will oversee the activities in that room, participate in the play and keep the children safe.
You are expected to participate in outside play on a rotating basis. Our school goes outside even if the weather isn’t too inviting! Parents outside keep an eye on the activities of the children while interacting and managing safe and appropriate play.
You will participate in a Parent Education (Parent Ed) session on a rotating basis during class time on your participating day. Here you will get a chance to discuss age relevant parenting issues, share with or listen to the other parents in your group, and gather tools to put into your parenting toolbox.
All members are asked to participate in and support fundraising efforts. Fundraising dollars are used to purchase items to improve the preschool.
Every month, a parent must attend a mandatory Parent Seminar. Toddler class has to attend only three Parent Seminars. Children are to be left at home (babes-in-arms are okay). Typically, half the time is spent in a class/all-school meeting and the other half is usually a community speaker presenting on a parenting topic.
Each family has one parent (usually the participating parent) enrolled at Shoreline Community College (SCC) as an actual student earning college credits. You will be assigned a student id # and are eligible to receive student benefits at both the SCC campus as well as student discounts in the community.
All families are expected to have a Committee Job or serve on the Executive Board. Who fills the paint cans? Who cleans our school during the week? Who changes up the creative/ imaginative play? Who plans our class excursions? Who publicizes our school in the community? OUR PARENTS DO!!
Openings available this school year!
All information on enrolling for this current school year can be found on our Enrollment Page!